Labyrinth of Disorientation

6 min loop, two channel video installation, 2023

This two channel video installation explores the widespread uncertainty caused by cultural displacement and technological developments.

Installation view of Labyrinth of Disorientation, as a part of the group exhibition Echoing Land, Sign Gallery, Groningen, NL. Dec 2023, Jan 2024

Through a combination of poetry, storytelling, digital collages, and sublime images of nature juxtaposed against the backdrop of vibrant urban landscapes, the artists embark on an exploration of the cultural disorientation and unease that ensues, with the aim of showing that confusion has become a global phenomenon. This installation invites visitors to embark on a journey through a labyrinthine web of human experiences of uncertainty, evoking the sensation of being lost.

To further elevate this experience, Canadian composer and sound artist Noah Sherrin has designed an original, ever-evolving soundscape that blurs the boundaries between sound design and music, creating a transcendent symphony that resonates with the very core of our being. The voice-over is narrated by Mohamad Reza Amir, drawing from his responses to the questions posed to him. 

Special thanks to Johan Delétang for his touch on colour grading the video and Kunstraad for their financial support.

Installation view of Labyrinth of Disorientation, as a part of the group exhibition Echoing Land, Sign Gallery, Groningen, NL. Dec 2023, Jan 2024

An excerpt from the full video. 

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